In an endeavour to lift the profile of Science across the school and get the students enthused about all things ‘sciency’, we have a whole school fun competition in mind. Participation and enthusiasm is our key objective here.
OVERVIEW: This competition has three stages.
Stage 1: Each student will research and present either a short science experiment or report on a science related concept, to their class. The class will assess the presentations and select their top two
‘super scientists’.
Stage 2: The selected two students will then have to present (again) to ALL the students and teachers in that particular year level ,along with an admin representative, who will then choose their year group’s #1 scientist!
Stage 3: Finally, we celebrate our top 6 scientists by getting them to present their report or experiment to the entire school, at a giant Science assembly. We will also award prizes to all students who made it through each stage of the process.
WHAT CAN THEY CHOOSE TO PRESENT? The students can choose their experiment or report from any of the four conceptual strands: Biological Science, Chemical Science, Physical Science or Earth and Space Science.

Each presentation, whether it be a report or experiment, can be a maximum of 5 minutes in length. Students can use ICT resources such as MS PowerPoint presentations (or similar) to support their presentation, in addition to posters, charts, etc.
Experiments should be simple to set up, demonstrate an outcome within the time limit, and be SAFE.
The internet is, of course, a great resource.
Due date: All science experiments and presentations will be presented during Week 6 (Week beginning 30 May) on your child’s regular news day.
If you have any questions or concerns please come and see me.
Thank you for your support with this.
Mrs Caris Szczepanik
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