As Term 1 is coming to an end, I am so pleased with how the students have adapted to Year Two and embraced all the new challenges. Time sure does fly by when you’re having fun! The students have produced some fantastic work this term, and it has been great to get to know each and every one of them. Many students have already achieved their goals and made significant improvements, which has been wonderful to witness.
Prime Maths is now well and truly up and running in the class. It has been challenging already, with our focus being on column addition and subtraction, measuring length and interpreting picture graphs. As well as Prime Maths our focus for this term has been learning our 10 times tables. We have nearly mastered saying them fluently in a random order which has been very impressive. Next term we will work on the 2 times tables. Thank you to those parents who have also been encouraging their child to use their times table homework booklet, their mental multiplication skills have improved tenfold.
This term we focused on two main genres of writing - narrative and persuasive. Our main focus has been based around correct text structure, along with introducing the idea of paragraphing. I have been truly impressed with how the class has picked up the concept of paragraphing and are experimenting with the idea. This will continue to be a focus for next term also. Within our writing blocks this term, Room 16 is trying really hard to use interesting vocabulary with great success. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your efforts in ensuring students are completing their talk homework each night. The students ideas and contributions from having these discussion have been to such a high standard, so thank you!

Next term I will post our main focus of learning for each key learning area, so check in Week 1 of next term. Please continue to encourage your child to complete their homework each night. Home reading and spelling needs to be done every night.
Thank you for making Term 1 a very enjoyable and productive term. I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday! See you all in Term 2 for another great term!
Kind regards,
Mrs Caris Szczepanik