Dance party from carisheppener
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Dance Party
Thank you to all the parents and grandparents that made the effort to come to our Dance Party. We had a fantastic time showing you all the dances we have learnt over the term. Have a look at the photos below!
Swimming Lessons
This week we started our swimming lessons at Belmont Oasis. We have been having so much fun and learning many new swimming techniques. Have a look at us in action!
Multicultural Christmas Banquet

To explore this further, next Wednesday 14th of December at 12pm, we will be hosting a Multicultural Christmas Banquet. Each child is asked to bring a small plate of food to share which is symbolic of their family or culture in some way at Christmas time. It could be something that originates from a particular country, a recipe that has been passed down through the family or quite simply a plate of food that the family enjoys sharing together. Each child will be expected to talk a little bit about the food they are sharing and why they have chosen it.
There is a sheet in the classroom where the children can record the name of the dish they will be bringing between now and next Monday. Please ensure the plate of food is something SMALL AND EASY for the children to share together. You will not need to pack lunch for your child on this day. If you would like to bring hot food, this will need to be dropped off at the front office by 12pm as we have restricted access to the facilities.
The permission slip below will need to be completed and returned by Monday the 12th of December order for your child to participate.
Thank you for your ongoing support,
Mrs Caris Szczepanik and Room 16
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Dance Party
Just a reminder that parents are invited to our Dance Party, this Thursday from 1.20pm - 2.10pm in the undercover area. We will be showing you all the dances that we have learned over the term! We hope you can all make it!
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Scitech Excursion
We had the best time ever on our excursion to Scitech! We learnt so many interesting facts about Science and our topic of Forces. We really enjoyed experimenting with all the different exhibits and our lessons about Push and Pull Forces was so informative. Did you know there are many different forces like gravity, magnetic, water and air pressure? Pretty cool hey! A special thank you to Miss Wisby, Miss O'Neill and Hannah for being such amazing helpers.
Look how much fun we had!
Look how much fun we had!
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
My name is Laura O’Neill and I am a Pre -service Teacher from Edith Cowan University doing my six week practicum in wonderful Room 16.
Over the last five weeks in Mathematics, our class has been focusing on telling the time. The Year Two students have an excellent understanding of telling the time using o’clock and half past. We have also been looking at telling the time to the quarter hour and 5 minute intervals. As this is a very tricky concept we would love your support at home to reinforce time telling!
A great way of practising time at home is by asking your child to read an analogue clock at different times of the day. There are also many fantastic online time resources students can use such as the game in the link below:
With lots of practice, I am confident Room 16’s time telling skills will continue improve!
My name is Laura O’Neill and I am a Pre -service Teacher from Edith Cowan University doing my six week practicum in wonderful Room 16.
Over the last five weeks in Mathematics, our class has been focusing on telling the time. The Year Two students have an excellent understanding of telling the time using o’clock and half past. We have also been looking at telling the time to the quarter hour and 5 minute intervals. As this is a very tricky concept we would love your support at home to reinforce time telling!
A great way of practising time at home is by asking your child to read an analogue clock at different times of the day. There are also many fantastic online time resources students can use such as the game in the link below:
With lots of practice, I am confident Room 16’s time telling skills will continue improve!
Monday, 14 November 2016
Our class is hosting an assembly, which will
be held Friday 18th of November at 8:45am. Please ensure your
child is at their class dressed in their costume by 8:20am that morning. I ask that all parents send their child to class and then wait in the undercover area for us. We
will be performing an item based on our love of reading books.

Children are to bring their school uniform in
their school bag to change into after the assembly.
We can't wait to see you all there!
Desk Tidies
Last Friday, as part of our Technology and Enterprise Unit, we designed and created our very own desk tidies out of recyclable materials. First we had to come up with a design that would fit on our desk, hold all of our stationery and be made from the correct materials. We then had to collect all the materials we needed to create our desk tidies. Once our labelled plan was finished we could then start constructing our desk tidy. Have a look at our finished products! They turned out amazingly!
Desk tidies from carisheppener
Monday, 7 November 2016
Super Scientist Winners
Our Super Scientist Winners! |
A special congratulations to Phoebe and Jonathan, who were the Super Scientist Winners from our class. Phoebe did a magnificent presentation about the Solar System, and even had a hand made model of all the planets. Jonathan told us how to grow a crop in great detail, which was so interesting. He also bought some wheat in for us to see. Impressive work Phoebe and Jonathan!
Monday, 31 October 2016
Excursion Reminder
Just a reminder our excursion to Scitech is tomorrow. All students need to be on time as the bus will be leaving at 8.45am sharp. Please ensure that students are dressed in full school uniform with comfy walking shoes. We will not be taking bags to Scitech, so lunch needs to be in a plastic bag with their name clearly labelled on the front.
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
In Room 16 we are superstars at Grammar! Throughout the year we have worked extremely hard to learn a variety of different grammar aspects including:
- Nouns – Proper nouns, pronouns and common nouns
- Adjectives
- Verbs and Adverbs
- Conjunctions
- Contractions
- Similes
Have a look at us reciting the definition of each of these aspects in the video below. Pretty impressive right?
Monday, 24 October 2016
Last Friday we met with our Year 6 buddies from Mr Sherlock's class! We had so much and really enjoyed showing our buddies how amazing we are at reading. Throughout this term we will be doing many different activities with our buddies like reading, writing a persuasive text and even Christmas crafts!
Buddies from carisheppener
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Super Scientist Presentations

Excursion Money
Just a reminder, that all excursion money is due by Wednesday the 26th of October. Please give your $13 and permission slip to Mrs S as soon as possible. Unfortunately, no late money can be accepted! It is going to be an amazing excursion to Scitech, which will be full of important, engaging learning experiences.
Room 16 is extremely lucky to welcome Miss Laura O'Neill to our class. Miss O'Neill will be with us for the next 6 weeks, as she learns to become an amazing teacher. We can't wait to see what fantastic learning experiences she has planned for us! We wish her all the best for the next 6 weeks.
Monday, 10 October 2016
Term 4 Timetable
Due to dance lessons commencing this term, we have got a new class timetable! Everything is still on the same day but some things have just changed times. Please find it attached below.
Term 4 Overview
Welcome back to Term 4! It is hard to believe that in 10 weeks, Year 2 will be over for the year!
We have an extremely busy term ahead of us with the following events happening around the school.
- Dance lessons start on Thursday and run for the whole term.
- We have a class excursion in Week 4 to Scitech
- Swimming lessons will take place in Week 9
and 10
- Our class assembly is week 6 with Mrs Beste's Year 1 class
- Super Scientist Presentations
This term our class is going to have a strong focus on computer skills. To assist your child to improve their computer skills I ask you to allow them to use the family computer to practice their typing and word skills. They could simply type up a story at home or type up their spelling words. We are aiming to improve their keyboard recognition as well as basic computer functions like logging in and logging off.
Below I have outlined the key areas of focus for each learning area for this term. As you can see, it is once again going to be a very busy term filled with fun learning experiences.
- Mental Maths skills
- Multiplication Tables of 2, 3, 4, and 5
- Money
- Division by 3 and 4
- Fractions
- Doubling
- Halving
- Chance
- Telling time
- Narrative and Persuasive Writing
- Spelling rules
- Speech marks
- Capitals for emphasis
- Ellipses
- Homophones
- Homographs
- Adjectives, Verbs, Adverbs and Nouns
- Prefixes and Suffixes
- Verb tenses
- Reading strategies and comprehension skills
- Physical Science - Investigate different forces
History and Geography:
- Australian states and capitals
- Past and present technology
- Australian inventions
- Values
- Goal setting
If you have any queries please feel free to come and see me.
Thank you for your ongoing support,
Mrs Caris Szczepanik
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Learning Journery
Just a reminder that next Tuesday, the 20th of September, is Learning Journey afternoon. The classroom will be open from 2pm - 3.30pm for you to come in and see all your child's amazing work! I hope to see you all there to celebrate their achievements so far.
During this time, I won't be holding parent teacher discussions about student's progress, as it is a time to celebrate all your child's hard work with them. If you would like to discuss your child's progress we can arrange a meeting for a more suitable time.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday afternoon.
Monday, 12 September 2016
Talk To Teach
I am struggling to find the words to use to explain how
proud I am of the amazing Year 2s of Room 16 for their outstanding Talk to
Teach presentations. I have learnt how to do so many different things such as bake a cake, make fruit cars, make chocolate crackles and even how to do origami.
You all spoke so clearly, gave precise instructions and
demonstrations, made eye contact and used brilliant volume. The preparation and
effort you put into these presentations were outstanding! Thank you for all
your hard work and enthusiasm. Thank you to the amazing parents of our class
for assisting with these presentations. It was such an incredible effort by
Monday, 5 September 2016
Geography Homework
Today we will be bringing home a map of Australia. We need to map out our connections to places that are all over Australia, as part of our Geography unit. Unfortunately Mrs S can't really help us with this, as she doesn't know all the details about where we have been on holidays and where our extended family may live, so we would really appreciate you taking the time to help us! Please do this activity neatly and use a pencil.
Below is an example to help you.

Next week we will be bringing home the same activity, but we will be looking at our connections all over the world! We are so excited to see where people in our class have been and where our families come from.
Wednesday, 31 August 2016
Congratulations to the amazing, terrific and hard working students of Room 16 for winning the Music Award and Uniform Award at today's assembly! I am so proud of you all and these awards are very well deserved!
A huge congratulations to Ansh, Diya and Steve for receiving Merit Certificates too! It is great to see so many super stars in our class.
A huge congratulations to Ansh, Diya and Steve for receiving Merit Certificates too! It is great to see so many super stars in our class.
Money in Maths
This term our class is focusing on Money. To start off our
money unit we discussed why money is important and why we need to learn how to
count and exchange money. We all agreed it is important to know how to use
money so we can buy endless amounts of toys! We have been learning how to
convert dollars to cents and cents to dollars. We have also learnt how to make
various amounts of money. By the end of the term we will also know how to work
out change from $1. A great way you can help us to practise our money skills at
home is by counting how much pocket money we have or counting how much money
you might have.
Below are some photos of us using play money to make
different amounts of money. We had so much fun!
Money work from carisheppener
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