Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Prinicpal's Volunteer Reading Program

The Principal's Volunteer Reading Program, which was introduced last year, will once again be implemented this year. Last year the program proved to be most successful, as it provided students with more opportunities to read.

This program cannot run without the incredible support from parents. I am hoping that our class will get enough parent volunteers to ensure that each child has the opportunity to read to a parent at least once a day. A note was sent home today about the program. Please return your slip to me by Friday the 29th of April if you are able to volunteer at all (even if it is just one day a week, that will be a great help!)

Thank you for supporting our class to become super readers,
Mrs Caris Szczepanik


This term our homework program will stay the same, as I believe it is working really well and the students are now familiar with the routine.

Image result for homework clipart- Spelling test
- New spelling words go home to practice each night
- New week of revision homework is to be started and completed throughout the week
- Home reading each night

- Talk homework goes home to be done for Wednesday Big Write session

- Wednesday Word Problem goes home and is due on Friday

- All homework is marked including home reading and spelling books

I really appreciate your effort to ensuring that your child's homework is done each week. I know at times it is not an easy task, as life gets busy, but I have been so impressed with the standard of homework being submitted each week.

Thank you!
Mrs Caris Szczepanik

Term 2 Learning Focus

I hope you and your family had a relaxing holiday and took the time to unwind from a busy term. This term our main focus will once again be on developing strong Literacy and Numeracy skills. Now that students are aware of our classroom routines and expectations, I am excited to see how much more we can achieve.

Below, I have broken down the key concepts that we will be focusing on this term for each Learning Area, to give you an understanding of what we will be doing throughout this term. As you can see we are going to be very busy this term!

- Addition and subtraction with regrouping
- Mental maths
- 2 and 5 times tables
- 2D and 3D shapes
- Measuring mass
- Money

- Procedure writing
- Report writing
- Homophones
- Connectives
- Similes
- Spelling rules and phonics sounds
- Reading comprehension

- All about water and the water cycle

- Local historical sites and their purpose

If you have any queries please feel free to come and see me. I am looking forward to another fantastic term together!

Thank you for your ongoing support,
Mrs Caris Szczepanik