Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Dance Party

Thank you to all the parents and grandparents that made the effort to come to our Dance Party. We had a fantastic time showing you all the dances we have learnt over the term. Have a look at the photos below!

Swimming Lessons

This week we started our swimming lessons at Belmont Oasis. We have been having so much fun and learning many new swimming techniques. Have a look at us in action!

Multicultural Christmas Banquet

In Room 16 this Term we have been talking about the fact that Australia is a very multicultural country and we are promoting the importance of celebrating diversity. In our school alone, we can see that children come together from many countries, cultures and backgrounds. As Christmas is fast approaching, we are exploring how different cultures and countries celebrate Christmas.

To explore this further, next Wednesday 14th of December at 12pm, we will be hosting a Multicultural Christmas Banquet. Each child is asked to bring a small plate of food to share which is symbolic of their family or culture in some way at Christmas time. It could be something that originates from a particular country, a recipe that has been passed down through the family or quite simply a plate of food that the family enjoys sharing together. Each child will be expected to talk a little bit about the food they are sharing and why they have chosen it.
There is a sheet in the classroom where the children can record the name of the dish they will be bringing between now and next Monday. Please ensure the plate of food is something SMALL AND EASY for the children to share together. You will not need to pack lunch for your child on this day. If you would like to bring hot food, this will need to be dropped off at the front office by 12pm as we have restricted access to the facilities.

The permission slip below will need to be completed and returned by Monday the 12th of December order for your child to participate.

Thank you for your ongoing support,
Mrs Caris Szczepanik and Room 16

Library Books and Home Readers

Please ensure all library books and home readers are returned to school ASAP. Thank you!

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Dance Party

Just a reminder that parents are invited to our Dance Party, this Thursday from 1.20pm - 2.10pm in the undercover area. We will be showing you all the dances that we have learned over the term! We hope you can all make it!

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Scitech Excursion

We had the best time ever on our excursion to Scitech! We learnt so many interesting facts about Science and our topic of Forces. We really enjoyed experimenting with all the different exhibits and our lessons about Push and Pull Forces was so informative. Did you know there are many different forces like gravity, magnetic, water and air pressure? Pretty cool hey!  A special thank you to Miss Wisby, Miss O'Neill and Hannah for being such amazing helpers.

Look how much fun we had!


Dear Parents/Caregivers,

My name is Laura O’Neill and I am a Pre -service Teacher from Edith Cowan University doing my six week practicum in wonderful Room 16.

Over the last five weeks in Mathematics, our class has been focusing on telling the time. The Year Two students have an excellent understanding of telling the time using o’clock and half past. We have also been looking at telling the time to the quarter hour and 5 minute intervals. As this is a very tricky concept we would love your support at home to reinforce time telling!

A great way of practising time at home is by asking your child to read an analogue clock at different times of the day. There are also many fantastic online time resources students can use such as the game in the link below:

With lots of practice, I am confident Room 16’s time telling skills will continue improve!